Monday, May 28, 2012

Daytripping along Pine Creek

Memorial Day dawned hot and muggy.  Our friends, Robbie and Carol Brusman, invited us to go with them on a drive up to Pine Creek (pronounced “crik” in these parts).  An air conditioned drive sounded great and the day turned out to be lots of fun.  Brother Brusman is from Idaho, Sister Brusman grew up here in Central PA.  They have lived here for years, and they built the most amazing 5000 sq ft. log home which they are trying to sell to move back to Idaho where their children and grandchildren now live.  Brother Brusman has a fun sense of humor and Carol is a very sweet and caring person.  They seemed to enjoy our reactions to the gorgeous scenery as we traveled up the winding roads along the creek.  We shared stories about our lives and children and Robbie told us lots of interesting things we didn’t know about Church History, which is his passion.

We made several stops: The lake, which was all brown and muddy from too much rain:  Several trail heads where we got out of the car, took a picture or two and hurried back to the air conditioning – Dad and I would have liked to hike a little, but it didn’t happen:  The campground which was awesome-we walked down to the water’s edge and saw bald eagles soaring and resting in the treetops:  The old historic Pine Creek Inn where we had lunch overlooking the water:  the little town further up the road that is famous for ice cream.  Brother Brusman made us eat ice cream and it was delicious!  We went clear to the top of the mountain which overlooks the Susquehana River and enjoyed the awesome view from there.  This excursion was the perfect way to escape the heat and enjoy the day!

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