Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hi Family! Pa and I are sort of shut in today because of bad thunderstorms. We did head out to take some nice flowery plants to two little ladies and invite them to the baptism tomorrow. They looked at us as if we were crazy – out in the weather all dressed up in missionary garb. The thunder kept me awake last night, mostly because the emergency siren kept going off and I kept wondering what it meant and what should I do. Today I asked the workers that are putting on a new roof on our little house (ironically, it is a metal roof!! In lightening land? I don’t understand that move!) what that siren meant. One said it was maybe a fire truck, one said it might mean calling the volunteer firemen to a fire started by lightening, one said maybe a flash flood warning (we are one block from the river), and the last one said maybe tornado warning. All these sounded scary to me, but when I asked what should I do when I hear the siren, they all said “Pull up the covers and go to sleep”!! Good advice?!@#$ It might work tonight since I am so tired….. Love to all, Abby and PaPa

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