Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Long Way Home

Hi Family!  We are on the road again-back in the car, snacks galore, listening to The Work and the Glory tapes, and playing one handed solitaire.  The Fall colors are awesome!  For any of you who want to follow our progress, here is our itinerary: Our first day was spent in Kirtland seeing the church history sites which was great. The temple is so pretty but it felt strange entering a temple in sweat pants and being led by a tour guide. This temple served as a meeting house and school but some very spiritual events happened here. The Spirit of God was written for the dedication, and the Reorganized Church takes pride in that - it is continuous playing wherever we went.

Today we toured the home of President Garfield in Mentor, Ohio. He was assassinated after only 200 days in office. His home was very pretty and we learned a lot about him.  We are driving to Chicago now for two days, then to Winona, MN for a day so I can do some genealogy, then overnight in Sioux Falls, SD, then three full days at Mt Rushmore.  Then we head south-one night in Scott's Bluff,NB for more genealogy and then to Denver for a night. Then to Albuquerque for two days, Carlsbad Caverns for two days, Tucson and HOME!!  Because we only have the iPad, we might not have a chance to check in daily, but you can email us using gmail and our phone is almost always with us.
We hope you are all well and happy. We will be so happy to see you!!

Love to everyone. Mom and Dad

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