Sunday, August 19, 2012

Missionary Musings

As our family has gathered in Yorba Linda for a reunion of sorts, Elder Abbott and I are having our thoughts turned to all the fun that is going on at home right about now.  We wish we could be with you, but we also know that we belong here for a little while longer.  As it gets closer to the time for our service to be over,  I wonder what we have really accomplished and have our efforts been enough?  We have gotten to know the good Branch members here in Lock Haven, we have tried to serve them as best we could, we have volunteered in the community and tried to put a pleasant and positive “face” on the LDS church, and we have had a few opportunities to teach the missionary lessons – so if this is what serving an MLS mission is all about, then I feel we have been successful.  I was hoping for more, however.  I wanted to see the gospel change hearts and lives.  I wanted to make a difference here.  That has not happened and I know why.  Christlike service is all about being selfless, obedient and diligent.  It is about serving and loving those who may never say thank you or who may never change their hearts or their lives in any specific way.  Preaching the gospel is about one thing only – love.  Feeling the Savior’s love and passing those feelings on to others is what a disciple of Christ does.  I might not be the best Senior Missionary but I am beginning to understand how to be a better disciple of my Savior.  

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