It was time for another day trip, so we decided to go to the closest attraction to Mill Hall that we could find in our tour book for Pennsylvania. That took us to Penn’s Cave! It was a beautiful 30 minute drive through the forest and a left turn in the middle of a valley with expansive farms and cornfields and there we were. The caves are underground and only accessible by water, so they run boats every 15 minutes for the 50 minute tour of the cave. We went from a temperature of 95 degrees to a wonderful 52 degrees in the cave which is 100 feet under the ground. Dad took some great pictures which speak volumes more that I could tell you about the geology and growth of stalagmites and stalagtites. We did learn that a stalagtite grows one inch in 500 years!! It was a great way to spend a very hot day. Wonder how we will keep cool the rest of the summer? Hope all is well at home and that you are all keeping cool in your own way! Love, Abby and Papa
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